16.4 Percentage of total amount of plastic waste recycled in the city
16.4 Hlutfall plastúrgangs sem er endurunninn
The percentage of the total amount of plastics waste recycled shall be calculated as the total amount of plastics coming out of sorting plants and recycled (numerator) divided by the total amount of plastics on the market within the city boundaries (denominator). The result shall then be multiplied by 100 and expressed as the percentage of the total quantity of recycled plastics in the city.
Hlutfall plastúrgangs sem er endurunninn skal reiknað sem heildarmagn plasts sem kemur úr flokkunarverksmiðjum og er endurunnið (teljari) deilt með heildarmagni plasts á markaðnum innan borgarmarka (nefnara). Niðurstaðan skal síðan margfölduð með 100 og gefin upp sem hlutfall plastúrgangs sem er endurunninn.
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