19.11 Percentage of vehicles registered in the city that are autonomous vehicles
19.11 Hlutfall skráðra ökutækja sem eru sjálfkeyrandi
The percentage of vehicles registered in the city that are autonomous vehicles shall be calculated as the total number of autonomous vehicles registered in the city (numerator) divided by the total number of registered vehicles in the city (denominator). The result shall be multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage of vehicles registered in the city that are autonomous vehicles.
Hlutfall skráðra ökutækja sem eru sjálfkeyrandi skal reikna sem heildarfjöldi sjálfkeyrandi ökutækja sem skráð eru í sveitarfélaginu (teljari) deilt með heildarfjölda skráðra ökutækja í sveitarfélaginu (nefnari). Niðurstaðan skal margfölduð með 100 og sett fram sem hlutfall skráðra ökutækja sem eru sjálfkeyrandi.
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